Dobesh Classic Sausage Making Recipe


Mix Seasonings and Grind the Meat: Mix the bag of seasoning and bag of cure (pink bag) with the venison with pork fat and grind it to your preferred consistency.


Mix Thoroughly: After grinding with the seasoning, mix the meat again to ensure the seasonings and cure are evenly distributed.


Hydrate for Juiciness: Add a small amount of water or ice to the ground meat until it reaches your desired consistency. Add water in small quantities so you don’t over hydrate


Chill: Place the mixture in the refrigerator for at least 24 hours to allow the flavors to blend and the cure to work. 


Stuff the Sausage: Use a sausage stuffer to fill casings with the meat mixture.


Twisting and Linking: As the sausage fills the casing, determine your desired length and twist at regular intervals to create separate links.


Smoke or Cook: If you're smoking the sausage, do so at a low temperature (around 165-180°F) until the internal temperature reaches 155-160°F.



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